Friday, October 29, 2010

Youmacon is This Weekend, Yay~

I'm finally starting to actually get (more) excited about Youmacon 2010. I've been slowly packing and started to try to get my camera together, and somehow ended up on YouTube, looking for cosplay shogi videos. I ended up finding one from 2005 that I'm actually in, but it's super blurry. One of my friends wanted to see the Simon-giga-drill-breaker from the 2009 shougi game, so I ended up uploading it here.

I don't think I'm going to wear my cosplay this year. I only did for a little bit last year and only one person recognized me. I'm going to try to convince my mom to let me try to modify it to be more accurate.

Spellcheckers don't like shogi or shougi. Anyone know which is correct?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dropsy Tank Top

I haven't restarted any of my frogged projects, but I did start making Dropsy. I'm using the "Deborah Norville collection Everyday Soft Worsted" acrylic yarn I got from JoAnne's. It keeps having weird blobs and stuff in it, which is apparently great if you're hand spinning novelty yarn, but I didn't really want it in my tank top... ><
I survived the part with dropping stitches and casting on alright, but I mis-read the repeats and did three normal rows and then started to do four rows with an increase every row. On the third row when I realized, I tinked back the row I was on and just dropped the increases and knited a few stitches around them to even out the extra yarn. Hopefully it isn't noticeable in the FO.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stuff and Knitting


I haven't actually posted anything to this or twitter for a year or so... I think I tend to post more when something is happening, like a vacation, or when something bad happens, but I haven't had any bad stuff for the most part.

I started hanging out with a guy, and he ended up asking me out, and we've been happily dating for nearly a year. That's all I feel like saying. Oh, and he's awesome. <3

What was I gonna say...? I got lost in lala land. Oh. Right. School sucks, still. I was originally gonna take Spanish I, a math class, yoga, and a computer class. My mom was planning on taking all but the computer one with me, but there wasn't enough money for all of them, so no math class. Then, my mom got a knee injury going up the stairs to our Spanish class, and tried to go to yoga once. The teacher had originally said just do what you can, and don't worry about it. My mom talks to her about her knee, and suddenly the teacher is telling her that she has to do certain things, or else it'll count against her. We dropped it. I felt like it was hurting my joints more than it was helping, and not worth my time anyway. My computer teacher isn't very good at being a teacher. His syllabus just lists the dates with 'lecture/classwork' all the way down, and doesn't say much beyond the required things, and he pretty much just reads from his slides and tells us to do activities from what we have of the book. The publisher just got the hard copies out for sale within the last week. We got the first four chapters in paper form, and the first eight chapters in pdf form, but it still seems stupid to spend a hundred dollars on a book we'll only be using for half the semester.

I play Vindictus now. Yay. :D It is awesome. You should play it too. And the game it's a prequel to, Mabinogi. (Dungeon Fighter Online is pretty nifty too.) </video game plugs>

I think my aversion to putting personal things on my personal blog makes it boring, sorry. :|
What should I talk about...?


I finally finished my scarf at 24.5", just long enough to get around the neck and overlap a bit. I apparently have been purling the wrong way, so all of my purl stitches are twisted. At least I was consistent throughout the entire thing. I wasn't sure what to do with it when I was done, because I don't like the colors, and they don't match anything my boyfriend wears (black, white, and red, that's it), but my mom looked at it yesterday and adores it.

I got the yarn for my Chiyo-chichi that I'm going to make for mike eventually from the shop near me. I kinda feel like the lady purposely steered me towards the stuff with acrylic, and she told me 'that's wool, you can't wash it' when I went over to look at the cascade 220, like I couldn't possibly want to felt it on purpose or figure out how to wash wool. I decided to get the superwash version anyway though, it was a better color and I don't plan on felting him. Besides the steering and useless advice, she and the other ladies there seemed friendly. Maybe I just came off like I didn't know anything because I was nervous and asked her opinion on which kind to get.

Afterwards I went to Joannes and got four balls of acrylic (does this make me sound weird after saying I didn't want acrylic the last time...?) for some unknown project and duplicating my purse.

I started to make a triforce wristband, also for Mike, but I think I might frog it because of my twisted purls. It might be part of why it was curling so much, but it could just be the stockinette, and I'm just not used to it.

Also frogged my sisakat doll. She's based off of my character from Mabinogi. I was crocheting it in such a way that I ended up finding it really ugly and went from mostly done, to not done at all. I think I'll work on this next, it seemed to go quickly before. Then I can start making her itty-bitty bolero & jumper suit. And broad-brimmed feather hat. I still have to find the right yarn...

I had to get rid of tags on my post. :| Meanies.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scarf-ness 7

~15" Two more inches in one day! :D I figure from the pattern of the yarn I can get another 6.5" before I do the ending part. Is 22" too short for a scarf?

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Scarf-ness 6

~13” Been working on my scarf fairly often. (…but I only gained 3 inches…?) I memorized the pattern, so I’m not always looking at the paper now. :D I don’t think I’m gonna buy another ball for it, unless it ends up way too short when I get towards the end.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Scarf-ness 5

~10” I noticed last night/morning that my yarn ball is looking kinda small. Apparently the pattern’s yardage is 300~600 yards. There’s 137 yards in my one skein… I’m a genius.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Scarf-ness 4

~7.5” long and 4.5” wide. I keep guessing right for which row I’m on and haven’t messed it up yet. I’m think I’m getting the hang of doing the cables, but I got sick of using crochet hooks and stupid things (…darning needle actually kinda worked, but the stitches got too tight), so I bought a set of cable needles at mah lys. I only have the one skein. I’m not really sure how long it’s gonna be. Is there some way to figure it out? Hmm…

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Scarf-ness 3

So I did a little bit more and did some cable crosses and stuff, but I let it sit around for a few days and now I have no idea what row I was on. :|

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Scarf-ness 2

Got to the eighth row, which is where I was when I undid it all before. :D Only on the eighth row though…

Friday, August 27, 2010

Scarf-ness 1

Started knitting a scarf and got to the 8th row, but then I realized I was miss reading the end of a bunch of the rows as (K1P1) 3 times instead of (P1K1) 3 times. And I kept getting extra stitches. I decided to undo what I did, and I think I’m on row 2 again at least. Dx
(post links to ravelry page.)