I'm beginning to think I just like to fill stuff out. I already have a blog and on that one the first post mentions another blog (I don't remember the login and stuff so it doesn't make a difference really). I figure I'll use this as my 'people know about it blog' and the other one as my anonymous one (or more so...) for all the stuff I don't want anyone else to know. I've been trying to get my website online but I can't find a really good free host. At the moment I've got my site entirely up (though there is a lack of content) at sisakat.bravehost.com . I also have it partially up at geocities.com at http://www.geocities.com/sisakat2000/index.html . I always seem to go back to geocities after my search for a good host but this summer I think I'll stick with bravehost. The ads don't bug me as much.
My social life is boring and I've barely left the house this summer. And not once to go to a friends house or anything like that. I was planning to but never really got around to it. -.-;