I finaly got around to posting something again and of course I no longer have any thing to say, not surprising considering I had to wait forever for my mom to get off the comp. It just so happens that the moment she got off that she saw lightning. -.- just great...
I'm using something called "Performancing" for firefox to post this. It's kinda neat. It automatically saves what you've typed when you make it go away so you can type a little then come back latter, type more, and post it when it doesn't seem like a patheticly short post anymore.
I haven't updated my website in quite a while so I guess maybe soon I'll dredge something up for it.
I've been reading too many fanfics again, as usual. Yesterday I finished re-reading HP & the prisoner of azkaban. I don't know WHY but I've been drawn back into HP. reading fics and beggining the fifth book again today and everything.
I've disappeared to my entire buddy list (all three of them.) because my dad was annoyed by the little update thing so I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it in just my account but it didn't want to work properly so I decided to wait til the next day. Next time I try I discover that I've got a limited account and no privliges.
And there was much rejoicing. grrrrr...
My mom and I went to Alpena to see fireworks. They were really good. Discovered a big antique shop that had lots of cool things, I got a little vase and a plate (it has a pretty autumn scene painted on it) both made in Japan.
Also three coins $0.50 each. One is german and has 1900 on it so I'm assuming that it's from 106 years ago so it seems like it was a good buy. The other two are asian, one looks to be a 50 Y japanese coin, it has a 49 on it too. 1949? showa period 49? no idea. the last one is really tiny and doesn't have any numbers I can read but it does look like it's got the kanji for 1 on it. (it's the easiest kanji in the world: it looks like this> - )
I guess I should hurry up and post now, there's a lot of lightning