I've found myself a new fandom. When I saw commercials for Sweeney Todd I thought it looked a little interesting and I wondered how I could go see it. It didn't look like the sort of thing my mom would like. It turns out my mom and I both want to see it Again. :P (Note: There could be spoilers after this point) I was kinda disappointed about the end. I was sorta "Wait, what? That's it?" I was really hoping it would be happy at the end, but I got the feeling that wasn't to be part way through. In the ninth grade my teacher said there were 3 types of plays: (which Sweeney Todd started off as if I'm not mistaken) Histories, Comedies, and Tragedies. The first is self explanatory, the second he said would end with a wedding, and the last would end with deaths, lots and lots of deaths. Seeing how this was about a murderous barber it was somewhat obvious what the result would be. At least I can hope Antony and Johanna had a happy ending, after she gets therapy for seeing Sweeney in such a state. I've obtained the soundtrack and I've been listening to it much too much. I particularly like the melody Antony sings at the very beginning in No Place Like London (and the rest of the song too) and the song My Friends is my favorite. Someone commented in their blog that when Alan Rickman/Judge Turpin began singing all they could think of was Severus Snape bursting out in song. An amusing thought, I'll never be able to think of Snape the same way again.
I was reading an article ( http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/todd/index_1.html ) on the real Sweeney Todd. It's really long, but interesting. Of course not because of the whole revenge on a judge and irony of what happened to his wife thing. Though he did seem like he was getting back at the world for the lousy life he had. I read a little bit of a script somewhere on the Internet (I lost it, it had a hideous red background) I had no idea that they cut out so much of it. I also didn't know that barbers did stuff like pull teeth.