- So this is how each one is doing, in a vain attempt at neatness:
- Shortly after I planted them one of the forsythias died, I didn't water the second one enough awhile after that and it died too.
- My Japanese maple just barely tried to sprout leaves, but they went brown, and it's as dead as a door nail too.
- My elm has re-grown it's leaves, they're rather small, but it seems to be doing well enough. I think they might be small because of this effect I read about at a bonsai website (forget which) that a 'false fall' or something would cause smaller leaves and would look better.
- My red maple tree had been doing pretty well, it had some brown spots, but was otherwise okay. Now, after I was gone for a week it's nearly completely brown, I'm guessing my parents let it get too dry or something.
- My wisteria plant is doing amazingly well. It's got really nice leaves and grows even if I try to pinch it back.
- My white pine is has sprouts and the beginning of new pine needles, the tips of the old needles are still a little brown, but I guess it's doing alright if it's growing new branches.
- My grape plant and my mom's lilac are doing alright, not growing a lot, nor dying, which is good.
Oh, and I saw a little tiny toad in the garden this morning. It hopped away before I could get a picture though.