Saturday, October 03, 2009
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Of Various Stuffs I Need to Improve (Or Me Whining a Lot)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A few of my friends decided to walk to Qdoba, so I went with. We had to walk over Orchard Lake Rd. It was kinda unnerving seeing all those cars coming towards me, but the entire walkway was well above the street and encased in that metal caging, so it wasn't all that horrible.
After we got back we played Settlers of Catan, but I was falling asleep for a lot of it. =.= They walked too fast and it was too hot out for me to not be exhausted afterward.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Of Mabinogi and Plying Yarn
Mabinogi is having an event where you post this somewhere and tell 'em then hope you win. So here's my random plug:
I've thought about posting what I'm doing in mabi, but I either forget, don't feel like posting, or think 'no one wants to read about that'. Am I right or would that actually be interesting? Probably not, running ciar beginner over and over is rather boring.
I finally finished spinning all but two ounces of my white wool. I decided to ply it yesterday. Plying is where after you spin it into a string (it doesn't like this at all) you take multiple spun strings or each end of the one you spun (I did the later) and spin them the opposite direction so they wrap around each other and don't keep trying to undo them selves. To get at the beginning of it I wound it onto something else, part of a cardboard tube, then slid it off. (I almost couldn't) I was told that it'd be bad if I let implode, so I used my thumb to stop it. It tried to take off my thumb by cutting off my circulation in return. ._. Kinda scary, I tried using something else (a sharpie) to stop it, but that fell out. >< It turned out not to mean total -doom- but I did end up with a lot of knots to figure out, with it trying to twist on itself the whole time. I was refering to it with various phrases that tended to include 'gordian knot' (I heard this somewhere and it stuck with me) and 'snarled mass'.
Hmm... anything else... School is actually going well this semester. I still need to come up with two topics for the web site project for Intro to Web Systems. I already have an idea of what I could/probably will use, but I kinda wanted to come up with something I haven't done before, but that would still be possible. Oh well, whatever.
Woo! I get to go to a fiber store tomorrow! (Today) I need to go to sleep... Maybe after an episode of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann... (Squee~ <3)
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Of Wool, Spinning, Cats, and Knitting.
One of our cats, Whitey, has really long fluffy fur. (You can see where this is going, right?) My dad was joking about making a sweater out of it. After reading an article in Spin Off (a spinning magazine) about making dog fur yarn, with a pattern to make a cell phone cover shaped like a dog out of it, I decided that somewhere along the line cat fur is going to go into one of my projects. I'll have to wash it really well, considering my allergies. Oh, and you know that cliche about cats and yarn? It's totally true.