Sunday, January 04, 2009

Of Wool, Spinning, Cats, and Knitting.

I mentioned in my last post (I meant for there to be multiple Arizona posts, but it didn't work out that way, I might still try to put something together later) that I learned how to spin wool into yarn. For Cristmas Eve Eve I got some purple wool, three crochet hooks, and three skeins of yarn. The purple stuff has been tucked away until I run out of the white wool and am a bit better. I've been doing a bit here and there, but not much, and yesterday my spindle kept falling off because I had made it too thin. >< In the long run I'm probably going to end up with quite a bit of really low grade yarn, and thus it will be unsellable. (People actually do hand spin and sell yarn) I'll need to be able to do something with it myself so all my hard work doesn't completely go to waste. Which is what led me to attempt to learn how to knit. With skewers. I don't own any actual knitting needles, so I thought they'd be a good alternative. They've got nearly everything I think a knitting needle needs, wooden, pointy, just missing the ball on the end. I was wrong. I'll still try again some other time, when I'm not tired and I actually feel like digging through them to find ones that wont catch.
One of our cats, Whitey, has really long fluffy fur. (You can see where this is going, right?) My dad was joking about making a sweater out of it. After reading an article in Spin Off (a spinning magazine) about making dog fur yarn, with a pattern to make a cell phone cover shaped like a dog out of it, I decided that somewhere along the line cat fur is going to go into one of my projects. I'll have to wash it really well, considering my allergies. Oh, and you know that cliche about cats and yarn? It's totally true.

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